Thursday 24 November 2011

5 Simple Ways to Increase Storage Space in Your House Or Apartment

!: 5 Simple Ways to Increase Storage Space in Your House Or Apartment

None of us ever seem to have enough storage. I'm not quite sure why, but we seem to accumulate an enormous amount of useful belongings that we can't part with, at least not easily. After all, they are valuable and we are probably going to use them later. Here are some ideas to increase your storage space.

1) Use the space under your bed. We store shoes there in special shoe storage boxes among other things. This is a great area for objects you won't need to access for a long time, like seasonal shoes and other belongings. We also store kids items that are either for when they are older or that an older child has outgrown but the next child is not yet ready for there.

2) Open up a crawl or attic space for storage. We had an attic crawl space accessible only via a small trap door. We had a simple plywood floor placed in the attic crawl space, and a retractable fold up staircase installed, and suddenly we had a lot of more storage space!

3) Organize your closets! Just organizing them will greatly increase how much you can effectively store in them. There are lots of racks and shelves and systems available for closets that make it easy to do.

4) Go through your stuff and throw away the junk, and we all have some of it, and donate the useful things that you'll probably never use. We all have great stuff we'll never use, so we might as well let someone else use it.

5) Use your corner space for effectively. Most corner space goes wasted in most homes and apartments.

5 Simple Ways to Increase Storage Space in Your House Or Apartment

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Saturday 19 November 2011

Differential Manometer - 0-100 PSI - Sper Scientific (Model 840083)

!: Order Differential Manometer - 0-100 PSI - Sper Scientific (Model 840083) for sale

Brand : | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 01:57:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Ideal for measuring low differential pressure in clean rooms, test and balance, medical equipment, HVAC, pneumatic systems and computer peripherals. Portable, and weighing only 5 oz (150 g) including the battery, these meters are convenient foruse in the lab, field or factory. Five models are available covering a wide range. All read gauge, and differential pressure in up to 11 units of measure and feature large backlight display, max-min, hold, and auto power off functions. The RS232 port enables communication with a computer. High accuracy of ±0.3% fs at 25ºC, repeatability: ±0.2% (max ±0.5%) FSO, and combined linearity and hysteresis: ±0.2 (Max ±1.0%) FSO. All Sper Scientific Manometers come ready to use with connection hose, instructions, and a 9V battery, in a hard shell carrying case.

Copy and paste the following link into your browser address bar to see all Sper Scientific manometers on

  • 11 units of measure
  • Backlight display
  • Auto power off
  • Accuracy of ±0.3% fs
  • Repeatability: ±0.2%

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Friday 11 November 2011

Professional Radon Gas TRIPLE Canister Test Kit FOR NJ RESIDENTS

!: expert reviews Professional Radon Gas TRIPLE Canister Test Kit FOR NJ RESIDENTS quick

Rate : | Price : $89.00 | Post Date : Nov 12, 2011 07:24:30
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Radon Is a Cancer-Causing, Radioactive Gas: You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. But it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General of the United States has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. National Academy of Sciences Report on Radon: In February 1998, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released its report on radon and lung cancer, The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon (the BEIR VI report). The NAS is an independent, non-governmental, scientific organization. The NAS estimates that radon causes between 15,000 and 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States and that 12 percent of all lung cancer deaths are linked to radon. After smoking, radon is the second leading cause of death due to lung cancer in the United States. You Should Test for Radon: Testing is the only way to find out your home's radon levels. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes for radon. You Can Fix a Radon Problem: If you find that you have high radon levels, there are ways to fix a radon problem. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels. If You Are Selling a Home... EPA recommends that you test your home before putting it on the market and, if necessary, lower your radon levels. Save the test results and all information you have about steps that were taken to fix any problems. This could be a positive selling point. If You Are Buying a Home... EPA recommends that you know what the indoor radon level is in any home you consider buying. Ask the seller for their radon test results. If the home has a radon-reduction system, ask the seller for information they have about the system. If the home has not yet been tested, you should have the housed tested.

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Wednesday 9 November 2011

Sunday 16 October 2011

Why Radon Testing Matters: The Health Risks of Radon Gas and How to Protect Yourself

!: Why Radon Testing Matters: The Health Risks of Radon Gas and How to Protect Yourself

Maybe you've heard of radon gas but aren't too worried about its impact on your life. Maybe you've never considered how radon can affect your health, and the health of everyone in your home. But radon isn't a joke, and it certainly isn't a laughing matter. Radon creates major health risks for everyone exposed to heightened levels of this gas, so it's time to take it seriously. Ready to learn why you should be concerned about radon in your home, and what to do about it? Then you've come to the right place.

What Is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive, odorless, tasteless, colorless gas that is invisible to the naked eye. However, even though you can't see, taste, or smell radon gas, you can still be ingesting it. Radon comes from the natural process of decay that uranium in the soil and water goes through. Because it occurs in the ground around your home, radon can easily seep into your home, particularly subterranean areas like basements. Radon can be found both indoors and out, but once it enters your home, it tends to become trapped. This leads to a dangerous concentration of the gas that can have life-threatening affects for humans.

Who Cares About Radon Anyway?

The answer to this question should be everyone! Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers in the United States, and unfortunately, lung cancer is one of the least survivable cancers out there. From the day they're diagnosed with lung cancer, a maximum of 15% of patients are still alive five years later. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year are caused by radon exposure.

What Can I Do About Radon?

For starters, get your home tested! While there are areas of the country that have higher levels of radon than others, all homes are susceptible to this naturally occurring carcinogen. The only way to know for sure if your home is safe is to have a professional perform a radon test. This process collects a sample of air, usually from your basement or crawlspace, and then analyzes that sample to determine the concentration of radon gas present. Radon is measured in units call picocuries per liter (pCi/L) which indicate radioactivity per volume of air. The EPA has designated 4 pCi/L as the action level for resolving a radon problem, but lower levels are known to cause health problems, especially in smokers. Radon testing can help you determine what, if any, radon level your home has.

My Home's Radon Level Is Above 4 pCi/L. What Now?

The good news is that high radon levels in your home are correctable. You'll need to have what is known as a radon abatement, or mitigation, system installed. These systems trap and collect the radon gas before it enters your home, exhausting it to the exterior where it can safely dissipate. Depending on the construction of your home, the radon mitigation system's particular installation may vary, but the basic theory remains the same. For maximum protection, we recommend using a professional to design and install your radon abatement equipment. If properly installed, once your radon mitigation system is in place, your home should always be safe from this dangerous gas.

My Home's Radon Level Is Below 4 pCi/L, So I'm Safe, Right?

Not necessarily. We know that radon levels above 4 pCi/L are dangerous, but there is no known safe level of radon exposure. That means, especially if your home tests close to the EPA's danger threshold of 4 pCi/L, you may want to look into installing a radon mitigation system anyway.

Why Radon Testing Matters: The Health Risks of Radon Gas and How to Protect Yourself

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Sunday 17 April 2011

Eight levels of environmental protection in a child

!: Eight levels of environmental protection in a child

The growth of children may be unknown to many factors involved, such as pollution. If the parents decorate the room for their children, they must pay their attention to decorative materials, temperature, humidity and many other factors that can affect the physical health of children. General rules must be 8 of the interior, so as to follow the hidden cause damage.

First, the density of carbon dioxide less than 0.1%. The carbon contentCarbon dioxide is an indirect index to evaluate the ambient air. The increasing density of carbon dioxide can be dizzy and sick children.

Secondly, the carbon monoxide content of less than 5 milligrams per cubic meter. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas more common in space. You can seriously damage the nerve cells and inhibit the normal growth of children.

Third, the bacterial count of less than 10 per cubic meter. Children are still growingStage and do not have strong immune system. E 'for parents who are strict sterilization in the behavior of children is necessary.

Fourth, the room temperature between 18 degrees and 28 degrees can be set. The ability to regulate body temperature of children is relatively poor. It 'important to get used to the temperature for children to attend just the indoor environment.

Fifth, the humidity should be maintainedbetween 40% and 65%. The low humidity can damage the respiratory tract of children and high humidity can make the evaporation of sweat keep children uncomfortable.

Sixth, the speed of airflow in the room must be moderate. Under the premise of normal ventilation, the airflow must be less than 0.3 meters per second. to freeze the flow of air to force the children.

Seventh, the interior lights should be moderate. When the children to read andLetter should spread the light in the room well. The light should not be too weak or too strong.

Eighth, the internal noise below 50 decibels can be controlled. Noise can have a major impact on brain activity of children. It can not only interfere with the attention, but children are nervous.

Besides the eight standards, the content of formaldehyde from furniture and decorative materials are released and the density of radon andcontrolled within limits. After people decorate the house, can be controlled by the sector of various indices, in order to prevent such serious damages in full.

Eight levels of environmental protection in a child

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Monday 4 April 2011

to look at six areas: improved air quality in indoor spaces

!: to look at six areas: improved air quality in indoor spaces

A variety of factors can influence the quality of your indoor air. Not bad for accounting Feng Shui, there is more unhealthy the atmosphere of a home than you might think. Consider, for example, the carpet of 10 years, children and pets, and have open, or the vinyl floor again, and to give an odor smell continued. Be inspired by the fact that you can not see these items, please be sure that they are very powerful effect on you and your loved ones have been deceived.

Allrisks to public health, demonstrated by the Environmental Protection Agency research shows that indoor air pollution in the first five offenders. Incredibly, the degree of pollution at home up to 5 times higher than outdoor air pollution. In fact, sometimes the differences in pollution between indoor and outdoor air ventilation, as 1,000 times to be inside. This toxic levels of indoor air pollution can be a variety of ailments such as asthma, dry eyes, nausea,Fatigue, headache, stuffy nose, and just to name a few. It 'obvious that people with respiratory problems and children in even greater danger for diseases due to unhealthy air.

As mentioned before, because you can not see these indoor pollutants are particularly dangerous. Sure, you may be able to detect the strong smell of fresh paint or the perception that the air is too humid, but it could cause the invisible nature of poor indoor air quality isforget that they exist. The most common sources of indoor air pollution are:

Inadequate ventilation. A type of indoor smog can lead to poor air circulation in your home. A good flow is to remove air pollutants such as pollen, dust, animal dander, and gas at home cleaning products and home furnishings.

Humidity. The areas of the home such as bathrooms, kitchens, basements and are sensitive to moistureMold and mildew over time to create. Often the shape and mold behind the tiles or planks caused their presence to remain undetected, but these insidious pollutants can cause serious health problems for residents at home.

Organic pollutants. In addition to mold and mildew, pollen include other authors in the fight against poor air quality, pet hair and dander, droppings, dust mites, bacteria and dust.

Radon. Another enemy of the environmentYour home is radon the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is an invisible gas that decomposes in the developed uranium in the soil. E 'then home through cracks in walls and foundations. Fortunately, there are ways to test for radon in your home and prevent his intrusion. For tips to avoid radon, visit the website sponsored by the Environmental Protection ON

chemical equipment and related building products. Turning in a variety of products at home canharmful chemicals called volatile organic compounds. Formaldehyde is one such substance, and you can stay in a home long after the "new smell" disappeared. Home products that meet these volatile organic compounds contained furniture, flooring, carpets and treated wood.

Household products. Hundreds of seemingly innocuous household products are far from harmless, because they can adversely affect air quality in your home with the emission of volatile organic compoundsand / or other dangerous chemicals, but also invisible in the atmosphere. Beware of products such as detergents, solvents, paints, pesticides and bath products for personal care.

to look at six areas: improved air quality in indoor spaces

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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Granite - some evidence in terms of radon

!: Granite - some evidence in terms of radon

Recent concerns have emerged in the media about the use of granite kitchen tops and possible emission of radon and / or radiation. The Environmental Protection Agency has received calls from radon inspectors and concerned homeowners are home buyers conducted a professional home inspection before signing the contract. This will determine the actual condition of the house because of security risks and systems require, would beAttention in the near future.

Granite is a natural substance that is very popular for counters and other areas in the house because of its durability and beauty uses. Any material that is extracted from underground rock formations, are potential sources of radon can be controlled and then sent to a laboratory for analysis by inserting the test cartridge near the work surface. The type and colors of granite, which emit more sensitive to radon are higher, the exotic and expensive granitewith red veins and brown.
The Environmental Protection Agency has received calls from radon inspectors as well as homeowners and potential buyers of granite.

What is radon and what risks may result?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the soil of earth and rock. In particular, when uranium decays in the crust, it produces radium, which in turn produces radon. radon concentrations are usually higher in basements, as these areascloser to the soil and rock. This odorless, colorless gas seeps through the porous soil, and then passes into the air. Outdoors, radon is not usually a big problem, because it dissipates quickly.

inland areas are of greatest concern. Radon gas can at home through cracks and fissures in the foundations and insulation. Around pipes, ducts, conduits and walls. Granite countertops are also potential sources of radon. Mike Kitto describes the type of granite, and the colors areinclined to issue more than radon. In general, he notes that carry the expensive and exotic granite with red and brown species are more affected than the black, white and green. Testing for radon is a filter near the meter and / or implemented in the basement of the house.

The cans are collected for a desired time and a laboratory evaluation.

Granite - some evidence in terms of radon

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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Radon Test at Latta Pavillion by a Charlotte Home Inspector

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Tuesday 1 March 2011


!: WooW JOHN LEAR INTERVIEW 9 7 10 1/12

John Lear talks about the moon and mars, amongst other things, interviewed by Kerr Cassidy 9 7 10. See my video on ARISTARCHUS CRATER NUCLEAR REACTOR, = As described by John LEAR, in part 4 of the 2008 PROJECT CAMELOT interviews, @ 21 mins. in. = wiki ="Transient lunar phenomena The region of the Aristarchus plateau has been the site of many reported transient lunar phenomena. Such events include temporary obscurations and colorations of the surface, and catalogues of these show that more than one-third of the most reliable spottings come from this locale. In 1971 when Apollo 15 passed 110 kilometers above the Aristarchus plateau, a significant rise in alpha particles was detected. These particles are believed to be caused by the decay of radon-222, a radioactive gas with a half-life of only 3.8 days. The Lunar Prospector mission later confirmed Radon-222 emissions from this crater" And see my other moon/mars videos = cities/structures on the moon = UFOs on the moon = "DARK SIDE OF THE MOON" Kubrick doc on the fake APOLLO 69 mission = = Mars anomalies =...namaste...b.


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Thursday 24 February 2011

Solarville® Home

!: WooW Solarville® Home

Break away from traditional building and living habits to achieve a sustainable, energy saving home. Sustainability is paying attention to resources and long-term energy useage. Solarville® floor, wall, heating and cooling options use fewer resources and save you money. Solarville® 1, 2 and 3-bedroom homes are made of steel components which are strong and recyclable. Solarville®—the home with the basement in the attic. Benefits Include: minimal site disturbance on a flat or hillside lot condition; economical — less digging, less labor, less construction emissions, less noise and less dust; above ground completely eliminates radon gas trapping; no basement equals no wall cracks, no flooding problems, no dampness, no hidden mold (nothing to grow on), no radon; no rot, decay or termites due to Solarville® galvanized foundation system.

Solarville® Home

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Saturday 19 February 2011

Homemade Geiger Counter with Thorium coated Lantern Mantle

!±8± Homemade Geiger Counter with Thorium coated Lantern Mantle

My german army model sv500 geiger counter (really good for more powerful radiation sources) and my homemade geiger counter with digital counter (atmega8+lcd) are measuring the activity of a thorium coated lantern mantle. the mantle is stored in a duct-tape sealed ziplock bag, and a epoxy and tape sealed red bull energy shot bottle to prevent any radon gas emission. and you can also see my homemade lead shielding from rolled up lead foil, with an additional insert for more powerful radiation emitters such as pitchblende. overall lead thickness is 12mm, which effectively blocks all beta and gamma radiation from the mantle. even the plastic blocks some radiation, i get about 1mrad with my sv500, and before sealing the whole thing i got about 1,6mrad . my more sensitive homemade counter goes nuts, the overall tube volume is far far greater compared to the tiny sv500 counter tube.

Homemade Geiger Counter with Thorium coated Lantern Mantle

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